
Job Listing View Info

In the Job Listing View on the right you will see the "Short Profile" and the basic job info like the "Job Number" which is just a reference number, the "Job Category", the "Job Type", the "Area" and the date when the job was published (there is an option to update the date in the settings). There is also an option to show the link "Printable Version" which can be set in the settings to give the client the possibility to print or download a PDF version of the job details. The "Share" (Social Media) section can also turned on/off in the settings. It gives the client a chance to post the job listing on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

The following sections (The company, Job Description, Desired Qualifications) can be customized in the settings. In our demo we added these categories but you can add as many categories as you want. Each category will have it's own text editor to add/format content (text, images etc.).

At the bottom you will see up to 4 tabs (depending on what you checked in the settings). The "General Information" is content you can edit in the "Listing Setting" (i.e. general content, your terms etc.). The "Contact" tab gives the client the ability to ask questions about this particular job. The "Files" tab gives you the option to post files for the job or your terms etc. You can add as many files (different file types) you want there. The "Tell A Friend" tab is also optional to send a friend an e-mail about the job.

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